Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Dreaded Pre-natal Class

I started this post like a week ago but didn't finish it until just now...

Last Wednesday, we had our one and only pre-natal class with our midwife, her fellow midwives and four other couples. The class was not what I expected. Yes, there were videos, and yes we saw a baby being born. But it wasn't as graphic as expected. It wasn't bad at all. Now, this doesn't mean I will be video taping our baby's birth, its just not what I expected.
The class itself was very informative, talking about the stages of delivery and the positions of the baby and how that can affect the delivery.
We learned about different postures that Monica should use that will encourage the baby to be in the best position for an easy delivery.
The class started off with our midwife asking openly "What do you think of when you hear the word "labour"? One girl said aloud, "Pain". And then the midwife asked, "Why do you think that women experience such great pain during childbirth?". And we thought to ourselves because of what happened in the Garden of Eden. The class continued and the midwife explained that women feel so much pain because it is their body telling them that they need to go somewhere safe and to get ready for something BIG to happen. As a couple of Christians we thought this was an interesting way to look at it. Whatever your belief, its true, something significant is happening.
Overall, the class was good. I'd recommend it, but that is just the class with Midwives of Muskoka, others may be a completely different experience, others may show that dreaded, graphic, no-holds-barred video that every guy has nightmares about. While the video shown was not overly detailed, it made everything seem less scary and beautiful. God's creation.

1 comment:

ShandraM said...

I've only been on the other end of the whole birthing experience so I know how that part goes... but I think when you see the head you don't necessarily process where it's coming out of. Maybe ask Brad to find out for sure. My Mom took a picture of Jovie half in/half out. On one hand it was very cool to see a picture of a baby being born. On the other hand...I don't particularly appreciate that there is a picture of my ladytown in existence.

i miss you guys like you wouldn't believe.